HYDRATING for Advanced PC Treatments

Jan Manarite, Your Prostate Cancer.help (3 minute read)

  • Drink most of your water early in the day 12
    Drinking water a few hours before bedtime can be problematic, especially if you are struggling with nocturia [getting up at night].  A good practice is to drink most of your water in the morning and afternoon and avoid drinking 2-4 hours before going to bed.
  • Drink it in sips 12
    When you drink water, you must avoid guzzling one or two cups at a time, which can overwhelm your bladder. Instead, drink water by frequent sipping. It would be best to have smaller amounts of water and liquid throughout the day, sipping slowly over several sittings.
  • Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (after prostatectomy)
    These can help strengthen muscles and decrease leakage.  See 7 difference exercises herehttps://www.urologysanantonio.com/pelvic-floor-physical-therapy/post-prostatectomy
  1. Our bodies are made up of what % of water? 3
    a. About 60%
    b. About 75%
    c. About 80%
    (Answers below)
  2. Staying hydrated may help with 4, 10:
    a. Energy (prevent fatigue)
    b. Stamina (prevent dizziness)
    c. Mental clarity (prevent confusion)
    d. Appetite (prevent nausea)
    e. All of the above
  3. Hydrating is always helpful, but most effective
    a. Before treatment
    b. During treatment
    c. After treatment
  4. You can be “underhydrated” without being dehydrated 7.
    a. True
    b. False
  5. Being hydrated, or underhydrated can affect blood pressure9.
    a. True
    b. False
  6. Which PC treatments actually recommend hydrating? 4,5,6
    a. Pluvicto (Lu-177)
    b. Xofigo (radium 223)
    c. PROVENGE (sipuleucel-T)
    d. Other treatments – ask you oncology nurse or doctor
    e. All of the above
  7. Who has a higher degree of education?  1
    a. Nutritionist
    b. Dietician
    c. They are the same
  8. Oncology Nurses are usually in which doctor’s office?
    a. Urologist
    b. Urologic Oncologist
    c. Radiation Oncologist
    d. Medical Oncologist
  9. You can usually make a direct appointment with your oncologist’s nurse, especially if the doctor is busy. 
    a. True
    b. False

We all know to “talk to our doctors” about cancer issues.  But remember to also talk to your nurses – especially about how you’re feeling.  Remember also to ask about dieticians – hydration is part of your diet.

This article has been reviewed by Fran Fanning, MSN, RN, OCN. It is intended to help you ask your nurses, dieticians and doctors better questions. 
It is not medical advice.

Answers to Quiz:

  1. a.  About 60%
  2. e.  All of the above
  3. a.  Before treatment
  4. a.  True
  5. d.  All of the above
  6. d.  All of the above
  7. b.  Dietician
  8. d.  Medical oncologist
  9. a.  True


  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/caffeinated-drinks/faq-20057965
  2. https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2023/how-much-water-should-you-drink-a-day.html
  3. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/water/
  4. https://us.pluvicto.com/about-pluvicto/what-to-expect-when-taking-pluvicto
  5. https://www.xofigo-us.com/patient/while-on-xofigo
  6. https://provenge.com/target-therapy-advanced-prostate-cancer-provenge/
  7. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00394-018-01889-z
  8. https://www.beaumont.org/health-wellness/blogs/6-reasons-to-stop-drinking-soda#:~:text=Your%20hydration,can%20also%20contribute%20to%20dehydration.
  9. https://www.healthline.com/health/dehydration-and-blood-pressure
  10. https://my.vanderbilthealth.com/10-foods-you-should-be-eating-to-stay-hydrated/
  11. https://rutherford.ces.ncsu.edu/2022/08/foods-that-hydrate/
  12. https://stpeteurology.com/does-drinking-more-water-help-incontinence/#:~:text=A%20good%20practice%20is%20to,hours%20before%20going%20to%20bed.&text=While%20plain%20water%20is%20ideal,or%20lemon%20to%20your%20water.
  13. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/dietitian-vs-nutritionist
  14. https://www.healthline.com/health/does-alcohol-dehydrate-you#causes

HYDRATING for Advanced PC Treatments

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