Every Drug has 2 Names

Jan Manarite, Your PC.help (adapted from PAACT 2015 and Cancer ABCs 2023) If We're Going to Share the Decisions, we Must Share the Language. From antibiotics to chemotherapy, every drug has a brand name and a generic name. For the patient, this can be confusing, especially when trying to research a treatment,  which is essentialContinue reading "Every Drug has 2 Names"

HYDRATING for Advanced PC Treatments

Take the Quiz! (below) Jan Manarite, Your Prostate Cancer.help (3 minute read) Did You Know?* Soda/pop doesn't hydrate you well. 8 * New research - caffeinated drinks don’t dehydrate you as much as previously thought 1* Alcoholic Drinks dehydrate you 14* These foods help hydrate you 2, 10 : Cucumbers Celery Tomatoes Melons Lettuce StrawberriesContinue reading "HYDRATING for Advanced PC Treatments"